Hey Everyone! This is just a quick shout out for two cons happening this weekend (depending on where you live :) Tales of Anime is happening April 5-7 in San Mateo at the Marriot Hotel. SiliCon's very own Rocky Horror cast "Plan 69 from Outer Space" will be performing Saturday night at midnight. come hang out at the con and see the show!

This is also the last call for ANIZONA this weekend in Mesa, Arizona! Only like 200 badges left I think available so if you were joining us better hurry! Go see our friends the Demented Dragon Staff at this cool anime con!
Ja Mata!

This is also the last call for ANIZONA this weekend in Mesa, Arizona! Only like 200 badges left I think available so if you were joining us better hurry! Go see our friends the Demented Dragon Staff at this cool anime con!
Ja Mata!
Labels: anime, Rocky Horror Picture Show
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