Saturday, March 24, 2007

Great Updates from Horror & SLOMO Horrror Film Fest!!! has been working hard to fill Silicon with tons of GREAT horror guests and programming this year. First we are very excited to announce one of our favorite film directors of all time, Michael Paul Girard, will be attending this year. Read Our Interview with Mr. Girard Here Michael has brought us such wonderful films as "Over-Sexed Rugsuckers from Mars", the classic "Body Parts" (1994) (available on Troma DVD) and "Getting Lucky". Michael will be participating in panel discussions, screening some of his films and signing autographs. This will be a great opportunity for aspiring filmmakers to really learn something about making your own films.

Another person who knows a little about doing it himself is local author Gregory Solis who will also be attending to promote his new zombie book "Rise and Walk." Another great chance for new writers to come out and meet another up and coming author himself.

Also while you count the days down until Silicon make sure and listen to Editor and the awesome owner of, WIL Keiper's chat with our friends in Kentucky on The March 23rd episode.

SLOMO Horror
100 One Minute Slow Motion Horror Films
by 100 Filmmakers and Video Artists
Submissions Deadline: May 15th!

SLOMO Horror is the follow-up to The SLOMO Video Festival (2006), which screened in 8 countries and 22 cities and was published on dvd and distributed independently online. You should make something! Check the site for details on the call for submissions. Deadline is
May 15th. Tour begins October 2007.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hotel News and More!

Hello Everybody! This is Chris C0-Chair of SiliCon 2007. We have been getting a lot of questions about when you can book rooms for the show and now you can! Currently you need to call the hotel directly at 408-453-4000 and ask for the SiliCon rate, but we will be adding a link to the hotel page in the next couple of days so you can book online. The room rates regardless of what the web currently says are: $92 for Single-Quad (they are actually a little lower than last year :-) Parking this year is not included in the room rate and will be discounted to $7 from $10.
Also our friends over at Geek Savants have begun a weekly,
hour long show dedicated to comics, movies, videogames, TV
shows, music and just about anything that pops into their minds,
hosted by Brian Roberts, Dave Dwonch, and Josh Hunter, the
Savants are here to make sure you’re informed and entertained
on all things pop culture. Well, the second episode of their
podcast is up and ready for download. This week we talk Buffy
and give you our top 5 TV shows of all time. Plus, they've posted
an American Idol Special. More geekery from Brian, Dave and Ugly.
Subscribe on itunes or click here:

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Lot's of Stuff!

Jim Mahfood has an interview up at Phantom Power Comics. A great interview with a real talented artist by the ever enthusiastic Jenni M. Jim will also have a huge gallery show/party at Meltdown Comics Friday night! See the flyer on his Myspace profile page for details! He'll also be set-up in Artist's Alley at Wizard World LA on Fri, Sat, and Sun. More info at:

We hit Sac-Con this weekend and met up with some friends from MySpace (Hello to Malice Fairy and The Swiffer Ninjas) The costume contest was cool, EB and Amari did a great job hosting for their first time by themselves. Congrats to Sai and Sey for their win with the awesome Sailor Stars costumes they just made! We missed the Teen Titans this time around, they must have been out saving the world ;-)

We also caught the "Slugs in Fishnets" down in Santa Cruz doing their own special flavor of the Rocky Horror Picture show, it was a blast and half! Silicon's cast, "Plan 69 from Outerspace" will be at Tales of Anime midnight April 7th, come and catch the show.

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Friday, March 09, 2007

More from Wonder-Con and Lots of "300" News!

We have a ton of new info for everyone! A full convention report for Wonder-Con is up at our friend's "In the Powder" A new website with a decidedly female take on the entertainment world. Don't worry guys, no one gets left out, there are some "reel men" on staff to bring you the best in reviews and articles with the male point of view in mind :-) Read the article here! There are also great interviews with Gerard Butler and Zack Snyder up at Entertainment!

We also have a full review of "300" The story centers around a fantasy-like version of the Ancient Battle of Thermopylae where 300 some odd Spartans accompanied by a collection of Hellenic cronies waged combat against a million some odd Persians to protect their homeland. However, being that this movie is adapted from Frank Miller’s graphic novel version, one should not anticipate historical accuracy and realism by any means. Director Zach Snyder’s (Dawn of the Dead, and upcoming Watchmen) main intent was a faithful edition of the comic rendering and as a fan I feel he was hands down successful in his effort. Read the full story here!
We also want to send our best wishes over to Robert Sr. of We're glad to hear you're doing better and it was nice seeing you and the whole family this last weekend!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Wonder-Con & Venom News

We just got back from Wonder-Con and we will have a bunch of updates this week. The Horror Yearbook gang teamed up with SiliCon to hit the con and have some fun. We saw the bad boy Venom himself at the end of a special "Spider-Man 3" clip made especially for Wonder-Con in San Francisco. Venom was seen for about 2 seconds, he looked good from what we could see. The most exciting thing about seeing Venom was that it does indeed confirm that he is just not going to look like Spider-Man in the black costume. Venom has his mouth wide open, full of teeth and long dangling toungue. Special thanks to our new friends at In the Powder for the pic of Venom. It was unclear if he will be in the entire movie or not, but stay tuned this weekend for more updates from Horror including news on The Watchmen movie, 300, Spider-Man 3 and and a full convention review from Entertainment Junkies.
SiliCon has just launched it's new website, they're still getting all the info up to date, but check out the swanky new design (to borrow a quote from Jenni M. ;)

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