OK, I'm fresh off my weekend in Sacramento visiting the
Sac-Anime Con. I had a blast hanging out with everyone and promoting
SiliCon (everyone seemed to like the new buttons!). The Valentines were there covering for Lionheart. Raven and Yuffie made improvements on their awesome Teen Titans costumes (Raven and Starfire) complete with full body make-up (I have one word - dedicated!).
Fanime and
JRock Connection had tables promoting along with Ray-TAF from
JTAF. I saw the
Consplayers Clan,taking pics as usual, RJ cosplayed his Pirate (which is great right down to the last detail) and P-Link was one of the judges for the Costume Contest. Where can you find an entire family so devoted to Cosplay? The Costume Contest was absolutely full with contestants and a standing room only audience! Even while we were in the pre-judging room everyone was trying to sneak in for a peak (thanks for getting my back Sai!) This being Frankie's last Sac-Con running the Cosplay events there was a little tear-jerking drama, but only because everyone will miss her. I'm sure she'll still be around :-) I didn't really stay for the bands, I was tired and we were going to grab food with EB and Papa-san Mike (who provided all the sound equipment for the costume contest!) If you haven't made the trek to this con, I suggest giving it a shot, the cosplay scene alone is worth the whole con. People really go the extra mile and everyone has so much enthusiasm! I look forward to the next event and having a good time with all my Sacramento friends :-D
I do have some updates for Silicon. The popular Comic Jam event will be returning this next year and we should have the entire collection from last year up when the new Silicon website goes on line sometime soon. Also the
Phantom Power Comics Podcast is going to be doing a special SiliCon episode for their site. I look forward to Jenni's coverage of the 2007 con (and the cool Phantom Bunny magnets she dropped in the mail for me!)
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