Horror Movies and Furries?
It seems like horror movies are coming out in full force. Last month brought "Black Christmas" and now "Primeval". There are still a lot of Horror/Thriller movies debuting soon; "Blood and Chocolate", "The Hitcher", and "The Messengers" are just a few of the films on the horizon. To keep up on all this action I suggest clicking your way over to Horror Yearbook. Molly & WIL operate this excellent site that focuses on the Horror genre. Horror Yearbook covers it all from movies & books to comics & conventions. Molly has a true love for horror as is apparent in her writing, it is really cool to find a professional with so much enthusiasm. WIL handles the tech duties, runs the forums, and sneaks in some time to write no holds barred reviews. If you're a horror buff like I am, give them a shot.
Fur-Con is also this weekend at the San Jose DoubleTree. SiliCon will be there promoting and enjoying the show! Stop by and get one of our new promo buttons!
Fur-Con is also this weekend at the San Jose DoubleTree. SiliCon will be there promoting and enjoying the show! Stop by and get one of our new promo buttons!

Umm for future reference my name (WIL) always appears before Mollys....sheeesh!
Hey WIL! I made the changes to your name, but I left the order. You know, ladies first :)
WiL is a master technologist.
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