Steve Englehart is confirmed for SiliCon 2007!
Author Steve Englehart has confirmed for SiliCon 2007! Some of you eagle eyed fans may have noticed we had Steve Englehart down as one of last year's guests. Due to an unforeseen set of circumstances Steve had to pull out of last year's show. He assured us that it was unavoidable and he promised to make our next convention. Well Mr. Englehart is a man of his word and he is one of the first guests we have confirmed for 2007. For those true believers out there Steve Englehart is a well known name. After ground breaking runs on Captain America, The Avengers, and The Defenders for Marvel, Steve made his way over to DC and redefined how we all saw the Dark Knight. If it wasn't for the famous collaboration of Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers (with a little Walt Simonson thrown in) we may never have seen a modern Batman movie! It is our pleasure to welcome Steve to the show, I'm sure he has plenty of stories about his past and present projects to keep everyone enthralled. Don't miss your chance to meet and talk to a true comic legend! Take a look at this recent interview with Steve over at Batman-on-Film about his involvement with the original Tim Burton Batman movie and his current work.
I'm excited to see Steve able to make it to 2007! I can't wait to meet him in person this year!
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