Jeff has been working in the VFX & CGI industry since moving from metro Detroit nearly 10 years ago. He's been through the gauntlet, starting in tech support and moving through rotoscoping, compositing, into lighting & 3D. His screen credits include "Peter Jackson's King Kong", "Matrix Revolutions, "Star Wars Episode 3", "LOTR - The Two Towers", "Terminator 3", "Hollow Man" at companies like Tippett Studio, Industrial Light & Magic, and Weta Digital. His most recent project was in feature animation on "Shrek the Third" at PDI/Dreamworks Animation, where he's currently at work on "Madagascar 2". He's also done his share of independent short filmmaking and playing music at loud levels. Jeff included a complete filmography, but it was too long to print! Let's just say the guys has worked on a TON of great stuff!
Next up we are glad to announce that award winning author Barbara Hambly WILL be able to join us at SiliCon 2007 after all! We are super-stoked to have Barbara appear at this years show. The best selling sci-fi fantasy author of both Star Wars and Star Trek novelizations, The Windrose Chronicles, and The Darwath Trilogy...just to name a few! She has been the President of the Science Fiction Writers of America (1994-1996), has been a Locus award winner, and a multiple Nebula award nominee. She has admitted to not being good with titles for books (perhaps The Quirinal Hill Affair would not be out of print today if her original title idea, The Baby Eaters, had stuck). Barbara enjoys many non-writing hobbies, including karate (she holds a black belt in Shotokan Karate), dancing, painting, historical and fantasy costuming (something she's enjoyed since high school), and tarot card reading. I don't know if she's still involved, but being a true fangirl at heart she was once a memeber of the SCA and has been known to attend Renaissance Festivals.
We have confirmed J-Rock Karaoke, the band Swingjig will be playing up on the party floor, the very popular Comics Jam will be back for it's second year, The Charity Auction will be held on Sunday Oct. 7th, and more movies have just been added!!! Keep checking back for more info.Lastly please head on over to SF for AOD the Bay Area's own homegrown Anime Con with tons of great stuff to do Animation on Display is a San Francisco-based animation convention that celebrates animated arts from around the world in all mediums -- video games, Japanese anime, 3d graphics, and even cartoons! Join our 5th Year Celebration with animation seminars and workshops, fabulous guests, a costume contest, vendors, community artists, and more, all squeezed into one exciting day!
AOD FIFTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! Paid attendees will each receive a raffle ticket good for door prizes including a Sony PSP Value Pack and a Nintendo DS Lite! There will also be a special exhibition of AOD memorabilia in the Dealer's Room and refreshments and snacks for attendees. Raffle tickets are limited in supply so pre-register or show up early to guarantee that you get one!
At-Con Registration Starts: 9:30 AM
Dealer's Room and Video Rooms open at 10AM
Opening Ceremony: 11AM
Prize Raffles: Starting at 1PM, winning numbers posted throughout the afternoon
Costume Contest: 7PM
Last Events End: 10PM
More news coming!
Thanks For Reading!