Thursday, July 19, 2007

Cosplay and San Diego Comic Con

Sorry for the big delays between blogs...we've been working our butts off getting ready for all of the shows and working on SiliCon 2007 at the same time! My friend suggested I talk a little bit about what I'm cooking up for San Diego Comic Con. I was asked by a couple of good friends if I would join in their cosplay group for the convention...I love costuming, but haven't done too much lately, so I thought it would be fun. I had a little under a month to get things ready. I’ll try to post the progress I've been making and maybe give everyone some insight to where I could have saved some time or hassle so if you go through the same stuff, it won’t be so bad. Let me leave you with beginning to all of this, taken just under 1 month ago...

Do you like my stylish trash bag vest? It is all the rage in France...well in France where they are taking life molds of their heads ;-P That is my buddy Ed helping me get things right. It sure helps to have friends with skillz! This whole process took under two hours and the materials were pretty cheap. If you're going to be sculpting anything that needs to fit just right on your head or face I highly recommend it. More to come...see you soon I hope!

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Friday, July 13, 2007

SiliCon Update & This Weekend!

Hello, we have some more news about SiliCon 2007 and wanted to talk about what's up for this weekend. We've been finalizing plans for our Kei/Lolita Fashion Show. We already have several really cool designers/contributors lined up like the talented Lain and Cosplay Pro Ao. We also have a couple of clothing companies ready to show some of there new stuff. We envision this event as part fashion, part anime, and part rock n' roll...I'm sure you'll have a blast if you stop by. We still have room for designers and could always use more models (male and female!). As always we welcome any suggestions

We also have an update on one of this year's guests, Horror Director Greg Lamberson. Johnny Gruesome is alive! The 8-minute short Johnny Gruesome starring Erin Brown (Misty Mundae). Erin Brown plays the girlfriend of Johnny Grissom (Ryan O'Connell), a murdered headbanger who becomes the zombie, Johnny Gruesome: The Headbanger from Hell! The production co-stars Dan Loughery and Jennifer Bihl and features special make-up effects by David Gre . The film appears on a virtual drive-in screen constructed by Gregory G. Kurczynski of Grave Thought Radio.

"I wrote Johnny Gruesome as a feature length screenplay way back in 1984", Lamberson says. "Vestron Video loved it but wanted me to make certain concessions, so I made Slime City on a much lower budget instead." You can order the Gruesome CD at or preview some of the songs at the Gruesome CD MySpace. You can preorder the book if its not in there and too late -
This weekend is also Sac-Anime!